

Power to the People: How stronger unions can deliver economic justice

By | UK


This is a discussion paper covering the benefits of social dialogue, trade unions and collective bargaining. Using the UK as the basis for the analysis, six key benefits are comprehensively discussed: Trade unions and collective bargaining are good for workers and good for the economy; Workers who could most benefit from union membership are least likely to join and membership is set to decline further still; Public policy has contributed to the decline of trade unions, so public policy must be part of the solution; Government should promote a renaissance of collective bargaining to improve wages and working conditions; Trade unions should be supported to recruit members and to innovate; Trade unions should be seen as social partners in industrial strategy and for the managed acceleration of automation.

For the original source, please click here

Innovation, Learning Organizations and Industrial Relations

By | Case-study, Denmark, Social dialogue


Innovation may be seen as a process of knowledge creation and the speed and direction of knowledge creation reflects the organizational set-up of the firm as well as its investments in R&D and training. Establishing ‘a learning organization’ where horizontal interaction and
communication inside and across the borders of the firm is a major factor promoting knowledge creation in the context of a learning economy. An important issue is to what extent direct and indirect participation of employees in shaping the new form of organization is critical for its realization. On the basis of a unique data set covering 2000 Danish private firms it is demonstrated that firms combining several of the organizational traits of the learning organization are much more prone to introduce new products than the others. It is also demonstrated that such firms have involved employees in different forms of direct and indirect participation much more frequently than the
rest. As more sectors become exposed to the need to engage in incremental product and service innovation the economic potential of diffusing good practices in terms of organization and participation is growing and needs to be reflected in firm strategies and public policies aiming at promoting innovation and knowledge creation.

For the original source, please click here.


Tripartite Advisory on Managing Workplace Harassment

By | Guide, Social dialogue

Workplaces should be safe and free from harassment so that employees can carry out their work productively. Harassment can, however, occur in different forms and to different extent. The tripartite partners have come together to develop this Advisory, which serves as a practical guide for employers and employees to better prevent and manage harassment at the workplace. It emphasises the importance of proactive management and focuses on preventive measures to ensure a safe and conducive workplace. It also suggests key steps and remedial actions that employers and affected persons can take in responding to harassment when it occurs. Workplace harassment prevention is one facet of the broader Protection from Harassment Act which protects persons from a range of harassing behaviours through criminal sanctions and self-help measures for victims of harassment to protect themselves. Both employers and employees have an interest and responsibility in preventing harassment at the workplace and managing it properly if it happens. Let us work together to provide a safe and conducive environment for employers and employees to carry out their work without fear of being harassed.

For the original source, please click here.