
Forced labour

Progress and Potential: How Better Work is improving garment workers’ lives and boosting factory competitiveness

By | Social dialogue

To further understand the impact of its work, the Better Work Programme commissioned Tufts University to conduct an independent impact assessment. Since the programme’s inception, Tufts’ interdisciplinary research team has gathered and analysed nearly 15,000 survey responses from garment workers and 2,000 responses from factory managers in Haiti, Indonesia, Jordan, Nicaragua and Vietnam.

The analysis of these responses represents an in-depth evaluation of Better Work’s effectiveness in changing workers’ lives and boosting factory competitiveness. The researchers used different experimental strategies to evaluate the impact of the programme. These included a strategy to isolate the impact of the programme using randomised intervals of time – reflecting factories’ different periods of exposure to Better Work services – as well as a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of the supervisory skills training.

By capturing this unique set of data and by establishing a rigorous analytical framework and methodology, the researchers were able to test – often for the first time – hypotheses on multiple issues including human resource management strategies, firm organization and global supply chain dynamics. Their assessment is an invaluable contribution to the world’s understanding of labour in global supply chains.


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Base Code Guidance: Modern Slavery

By | Guide, Social dialogue

This guide will help businesses understand key concepts, legal definitions and their responsibility to tackle modern slavery. It provides examples and practical steps to assist companies in applying ETI Base Code clause 1, on the prohibition of forced labour, Employment is freely chosen, as well as tips on how to embed modern slavery awareness and due diligence within business practice. Section 2 contains advice on identifying risks of modern slavery in supply chains and business operations, as well as stakeholder engagement.

Sections 3 and 4 will guide companies through the process of remediation and provides tips on what to do when modern slavery is found in supply chains and how to prevent it.

The Annexes include details on international and regional standards concerning modern slavery, information on selected geographies linked to a high risk of forced labour and frequently asked questions about strategies to address modern slavery.


For the original source, please click here.