
Level – Enterprise

Restructuring enterprises through social dialogue: Socially responsible practices in times of crisis

By | Brazil, France, Germany, Ireland, Social dialogue, United States

The paper analyses examples of companies in which management, in collaboration with workers’ representatives and unions, has designed and implemented socially responsible enterprise restructuring plans. The selected examples show that by creating space for dialogue and (self-)regulation aimed at protecting the levels, as well as the terms and conditions, of employment in specific plants (plant-level agreements) or across different operations of multinational companies (transnational company agreements), win-win situations can emerge, even in times of crisis.


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Social Dialogue in times of crisis: Finding better solutions

By | Belgium, Brazil, Case-study, Chile, Czech Republic, Ghana, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Niger, Panama, Peru, Poland, Singapore, Social dialogue, South Africa, Sweden, United States

This paper looks at past economic crises to identify lessons that can be learned from industrial relations developments in different regions and varying circumstances. The paper describes the development of social dialogue in the early period of the current crisis in order to inform the reader about the forms and content of crisis-related social dialogue in different parts of the world and to provide national examples. It concludes by suggesting policy options. The paper also contains tables of national and enterprise-level cases documenting the role of social dialogue and industrial relations in addressing the employment impact of the crisis.


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Social Dialogue at Enterprise Level. Successful Experiences

By | Bangladesh, Case-study, Nepal, Pakistan, Social dialogue, Sri Lanka

One of the main challenges that Asian countries are facing, and will continue to face in the coming years, is the need to adjust their economic and social systems in accordance with the process of globalization. This process cannot be managed equitably and efficiently without social dialogue among the main stakeholders. From the ILO’s perspective, tripartism and social dialogue are integral components of decent work and essential channels for achieving it. As stated by the ILO Director General “cohesive tripartism is the ILO’s bedrock”. The main goal of social dialogue is to promote consensus building and democratic involvement among the main stakeholders in key aspects relating to the work environment. The objective of this publication is to introduce concepts of social dialogue at the workplace, enumerate enabling conditions for social dialogue to work effectively, and demonstrate positive features of social dialogue with empirical studies.


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Skills Development and Productivity Through Social Dialogue

By | Social dialogue


Social dialogue is one of the cornerstones that the ILO is founded upon. It has a major role to play in realizing the ILO’s objective of promoting opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equality, security and human dignity.

When we think of social dialogue in the context of industrial relations among the social partners, we associate it with negotiations on issues such as salaries, working conditions and advocacy in the workplace. However, in today’s rapidly globalizing world, where geographical borders are becoming less of a barrier to trade and where new technologies are increasingly changing the way in which enterprises operate, and the way people work, social dialogue is becoming more and more important to the development of skills for the continuing employability of workers throughout their working life.

This book makes a case for a more representative social dialogue on skill development that is tripartite in nature, ensuring that all three social partners – government, enterprise and workers – are included in negotiations. While there must be responsibility on behalf of government to provide the mechanisms that encourage participation of workers and enterprises in social dialogue, for social dialogue on skills development to work effectively, enterprises must participate in a responsible and positive manner, realizing that their productivity and competitiveness is reliant on a well trained and adaptable workforce. Workers must participate in social dialogue as both a right and a responsibility in order to realize decent work through access to continuing education and skills training in order to guarantee their skills remain marketable.

This book has primarily emerged as a result of an ILO APSDEP tripartite workshop in Bangkok and an ILO and Korean Labor Institute tripartite workshop on Skill Development, High Performance Work Organization and Social Dialogue in Seoul, both held in March 2003. The meetings highlighted a fundamental lack of awareness of how social dialogue can play an important role in advocating the interests of governments, employers and workers by ensuring that each benefits from their investment in developing the skills of the workforce.

It draws on a number of papers prepared by participants at the two meetings as well as ILO resource persons and ILO Senior Specialists. Further, it also looks at some of the broader challenges for social dialogue on productivity and skill development among the social partners. The book touches on the relevant ILO Standards and Recommendations, particularly the new draft Recommendation 150 on human resources development that will, after nearly four years of discussions, consultations, drafting and redrafting, be finalized in In the interests of reinforcing the need for change, this publication repeats a number of important issues and points and makes no excuse for this. It is the hope and intention of the authors that this book will stimulate further debate on the subject of social dialogue on skills development in order to promote greater opportunities for decent work for all, productive and competitive enterprises and greater economic and social well being of Asian economies.

Christine Evans-Klock, Director
ILO Subregional Office for East Asia


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