Who: CNV Internationaal, government of honduras, CGT, factories
Where: Honduras
Sector: Export
What: Minimum wage, housing, Honduras, factories, trade union
When: not available

During the negotiations about minimum wage in large factories in the export production zones (maquilas) of Honduras, trade union organization CGT also managed to come to agreements concerning housing.

The government will now arrange for the construction of simple houses. The employees pay off a small amount each month for the houses. Finding proper housing is very difficult for factory employees in Honduras. They cannot get a loan from the bank, not even when they have a permanent contract with the factory. The only reason the banks are cooperating now is because the payments are taken out of the employees’ wages. This way the banks can be sure that they will get their money. Building these houses also creates jobs, so two birds are killed with one stone. The trade union is extending this project to various cities in Honduras.


CNV Internationaal. (2017). The Value of Social Dialogue (pp. 1-40). Utrecht: CNV Internationaal.