

Trade unions and social dialogue: Current situation and outlook

By | Case-study, Hungary, Nepal, Social dialogue, South Korea, United States

What is it that accounts for the relatively recent infatuation with the term “social dialogue”? This is the question posed by the contributors Ozaki and Rueda-Catry, and also tackled by all the others from their respective standpoints as trade union leaders in confederations active at the national, regional and world levels and as specialists with an interest in labour relations issues.

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The economic cost of general strikes in Nepal

By | Nepal, Social dialogue


This paper reviews the key aspects of general strikes and analyses the economic cost of such strikes in Nepal. Data analysis shows that average direct cost of general strikes stood at NRs. 1.8 billion per strike day and NRs. 27 billion per year at current prices during 2008-2013. The lost output per year accounted for 1.4 percent of the annual gross output. The total accumulated output loss due to general strikes in the five-year period amounted to NRs. 117 billion. With such
losses, general strikes decelerated annual GDP growth rates in a range between 0.6 percentage point and 2.2 percentage points during the study period. The impact of general strikes was quick and significant on inflation and tourist arrival rates. The monthly inflation rate jumped to over 9 percent as a result of two-day general strike while the strike called for three or more days led to an inflation of more than 10 percent. Similarly, tourist arrival declined over a lag. However, gross fixed capital formation and foreign direct investment appeared to be less affected by general strikes, which might be due mainly to their bottomed out levels.

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Social Dialogue at Enterprise Level. Successful Experiences

By | Bangladesh, Case-study, Nepal, Pakistan, Social dialogue, Sri Lanka

One of the main challenges that Asian countries are facing, and will continue to face in the coming years, is the need to adjust their economic and social systems in accordance with the process of globalization. This process cannot be managed equitably and efficiently without social dialogue among the main stakeholders. From the ILO’s perspective, tripartism and social dialogue are integral components of decent work and essential channels for achieving it. As stated by the ILO Director General “cohesive tripartism is the ILO’s bedrock”. The main goal of social dialogue is to promote consensus building and democratic involvement among the main stakeholders in key aspects relating to the work environment. The objective of this publication is to introduce concepts of social dialogue at the workplace, enumerate enabling conditions for social dialogue to work effectively, and demonstrate positive features of social dialogue with empirical studies.


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