

Tripartite cooperation, social dialogue and national development

By | Barbados, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Kenya, Panama, Social dialogue


This article reviews recent developments in social dialogue demonstrating that consultation between government and key stakeholders contributes to labour peace, social stability and national development. After defining the stages through which social dialogue has developed, the author explains the various ways in which it contributes to economic and social development. He considers four developing countries (Barbados, Indonesia, Kenya and Panama), and one transition economy (Czech Republic), examining how they have used tripartite institutions to achieve social peace, labour market adjustment and socio-economic development. Finally, he offers a model to integrate “new” actors into the tripartite framework for social dialogue.
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Social Dialogue in Developing Countries

By | Angola, Brazil, Case-study, Costa Rica, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Social dialogue, South Africa, South Korea, Zambia

This is a study of Social Dialogue in developing countries. It was commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) on behalf of the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in November 2010. It was prepared by Michael Fergus, partner in Nordic Consulting Group AS. The purpose of the study is to map experience with dialogues on socio‐economic issues between government and organisations in productive sectors, and possibly civil society organisations, in selected developing countries. In countries where a system of social dialogue has been established the study also assesses whether the experience is of interest for other countries to learn from. Norway may then consider supporting some form of interaction between countries in the South. It is not the purpose of the study to try to assess whether the Norwegian model of social dialogue can be copied into different political systems and cultures.


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Role of Trade Unions in the Enhancement of Peaceful Work Relations for Efficient Conflict Management in Public Universities in Kenya

By | Kenya, Social dialogue


Disagreements are always an inevitable part of organizational life. Labour conflicts can be regarded as disputes that occur when interests, goals or values of different individuals or groups within a workplace are unharmonious with each other. The institutions of higher learning in Kenya are experiencing a lot of conflicts which are mostly left unresolved. Conflicts between individual workers/employees and also between workers and management have escalated. Labour conflicts leads to cases of frequent strikes, lock ups and any other forms of unrest as seen in our Universities. Proper management of conflicts however deserves special and adequate consideration in harmonizing workplace relations. This study aimed to establish the role of trade unions in managing conflicts in institutions of higher learning by enhancing of peaceful work relations. The study was based in Moi University since it one of the oldest and largest universities in Kenya. The target population of the study encompassed all the 683 employees in the university who were registered members of different trade unions. Stratified sampling was used to divide the population into three categories thus Lecturers, Middle grade staff and junior staff. 205 respondents were selected purposively for the study. Secondary data was obtained from existing literature and university documents while primary data was collected from the respondents using questionnaires. According to the results, 80% of the respondents confirmed that trade unions in their workplace use the role of labour relations in conflict management. In relation to whether job specification is clearly drawn to ensure peaceful work relations, 64.8% of the respondents agreed while 17.1% disagreed. The respondents were additionally asked whether existence of harmonious work relations leads to high productivity among workers. 94.2% of the respondents agreed that high productivity is achieved when harmonious relations exist among the workers. In regard to whether trade unions encourage consultations among their members as a way of creating harmonious work relations, 82.5% of the respondents agreed while only 0.5% disagreed. The study recommends that trade unions jointly with management should maintain continual negotiations with the employers to avoid employee-employer conflicts. Collective bargaining should be promoted as a tool with which employers and employees are able to negotiate on matters affecting the work place.


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Paying a Living Wage: a Guide for Companies

By | Guide, Kenya, Social dialogue


As a company owner, you want your employees to earn enough to make a decent living so they can provide for themselves and their families. Sounds obvious, right? Well, not always. When you do business in developing countries or emerging markets, this may not be so easy to achieve. In many of these countries, the vast majority of workers and their families struggle to survive on wages that are not sufficient to cover their daily subsistence needs. How can you contribute towards improving this situation and work towards living wages? This brochure will help you get started.


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