

Collective Bargaining: Delivering for the public interest?

By | Australia


This study assesses the effectiveness of the organisational-level collective bargaining model present in Australia. It concludes that the present model is failing, with less collective bargaining agreements being reached, resulting in wage stagnation despite the state-level increase in economic prosperity. It suggests that greater implementation of more drastic measures, like striking, and greater inclusion for the parties allowed in the bargaining process is necessary to develop social dialogue further.

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Unions and Productivity, Financial Performance and Investment: International Evidence

By | Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Social dialogue, UK, United States


If the presence of a union in a workplace or firm raises the pay level, unless productivity rises correspondingly, financial performance is likely to be worse. If the product market is uncompetitive this might imply a simple transfer from capital to labour with no efficiency effects, but is probably more likely to lead to lower investment rates and economic senescence. Therefore the impact of unions on productivity, financial performance and investment is extremely important. This paper distils evidence on such effects from six countries: USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Japan and Australia. It is not possible to use theory to predict unambiguously any union effect on productivity because unions can both enhance and detract from the productivity performance of the workplace or firm. The evidence indicates that, in the USA, workplaces with both high performance work systems and union recognition have higher labour productivity than other workplaces. In the UK previous negative links between unions and labour productivity have been eroded by greater competition and more emphasis on ”partnership” in industrial relations but there is a lingering negative effect of multi-unionism, just as there is in Australia. In Germany the weight of the evidence suggests that the information, consultation and voice role of works councils enhances labour productivity particularly in larger firms. In Japan unions also tend to raise labour productivity via the longer job tenures in union workplaces which makes it more attractive to invest in human capital and through the unpaid personnel manager role played by full-time enterprise union officials in the workplace. Unions will reduce profits if they raise pay and/or lower productivity. The evidence is pretty clear cut: the bulk of studies show that profits or financial performance is inferior in unionised workplaces, firms and sectors than in their non-union counterparts. But the world may be changing. A recent study of small USA entrepreneurial firms found a positive association between unions and profits and in the UK the outlawing of the closed shop, coupled with a lower incidence of multi-unionism has contributed to greater union-management cooperation such that recent studies find no association between unions and profits. North American and German evidence suggests that unionisation reduces investment by around one fifth compared with the investment rate in a non-union workplace. In both Canada and the USA this effect is even felt at low levels of unionisation. The UK evidence is mixed: the most thorough study also finds that union recognition depresses investment, but this adverse effect is offset as density rises. The exception is Japan where union recognition goes hand-in-hand with greater capital intensity.

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Good practices and challenges on the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) and the Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156): A comparative study

By | Australia, Benin, Chile, Macedonia, Moldova, Morocco, Niger, Paraguay, Social dialogue, Sri Lanka, Ukraine

The success of national and workplace strategies to promote women’s equal opportunities and treatment in labour markets and gender equality at work are dependent on adequate and accessible maternity protection and family-friendly services and measures. Supporting workers with family responsibilities also helps fathers to be more involved in care of their children and more equally share in responsibilities in the home.

Ten case studies concern Convention No. 183 in Benin, Moldova and Morocco and the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103) in Sri Lanka; as well as Convention No. 156 in Australia, Chile, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Niger, Paraguay and Ukraine.

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Industrial Relations Climate, Attendance Behaviour and the Role of Trade Unions

By | Australia, Case-study, Social dialogue


In recent years there has been a growing interest in the impact of co-operative union-management relations on firm performance and organizational outcomes such as employee turnover and absenteeism. This paper seeks to identify the factors that affect the development of a co-operative industrial relations climate and analyses the effects of that climate on organizational and union allegiance and on employee attendance behaviour. The data are drawn from a study of a large automotive manufacturer in Australia. The results indicate that a positive union-management relationship is associated with higher levels of work attendance. Moreover, this outcome is consistent with the presence of strong and effective unionism at the workplace.
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