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Power of the Voice: Perspectives from workers and buyers on social dialogue within the Bangladeshi garment sector

By | Bangladesh, Meta-analysis


An analysis concludes that social dialogue in Bangladesh is severely lacking and union and trade union representatives are seen as ineffective and untrustworthy. Because of this, workers in the textile industry face bad working conditions and inadequate pay. Further interviews revealed that Swedish companies contracting these factories have issues in their auditing processes and both the Swedish government and companies, alongside the ILO, have expressed interest in improving their dialogue with Bangladesh and strengthening social dialogue in the sector.

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Research on Informal Workers and Social Dialogue

By | Case-study, Rwanda


This case study analyses the development of tripartite social dialogue in Rwanda. It is discovered that the insistence of true unions has led to the flourishing of social dialogue, especially tripartite, in Rwanda. This has led to increases in working conditions and salary for construction workers in the region.

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Trade Union Rights and COVID-19

By | Social dialogue


This brief details various governments responses to the COVID-19 crisis and how they have attempted to use it as an excuse to undermine international labour rights. A breakdown of attempts, and the ETUC response to them is given, as well a detailed guideline of international labour rights and how to uphold them in times of crisis.

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Social Dialogue in the 2030 Agenda

By | Social dialogue


The achievement of the SDGs and social dialogue have a symbiotic relationship. Some of the SDGs are preconditions for having a well-structured process of social dialogue, but other SDGs can only be achieved through effective social dialogue. This report describes this relationship in detail, and how preconditions for social dialogue, and social dialogue itself, can be improved.

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Effective Social Dialogue

By | Social dialogue


This report details what tripartite social dialogue is and when and how it should be implemented. It also stresses the need for its development, especially in relation to sustainability and the SDGs.

For the original source, please click here